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for Bioinspired, Bionic, Nano, Meta
Materials & Mechanics

Nicola Pugno

Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics at the University of Trento;
Professor of Materials Science at the Queen Mary University of London (part-time);
Humboldtian at the Kiel University;
Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Materials and Specialty Chief Editor of Mechanics;
Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford.

My Gallery
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🏠 Address: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Meccanica
Università di Trento, via Mesiano, 77 I-38123 Trento (Italia)
🏢 Office location: III piano, Stanza 328
📞 Tel: +39 0461 282525
📱 Mob: +39 338 6275625
📠 Fax: +39 0461 282599
E-mail: nicola.pugno@unitn.it
💬 Skype: nicola.pugno


Full list of publications

  1. N. G. Di Novo, A. Bagolini, N. M. Pugno

    Single Condensation Droplet Self-Ejection from Divergent Structures with Uniform Wettability,

    ACS Nano, (2024), 18, 8626-8640

  2. V. Fazio, N. M. Pugno, O. Giustolisi, G. Puglisi

    Physically based machine learning for hierarchical materials,

    Cell Reports Physical Science, (2024), 5, 101790

  3. M. Hauck, L. M. Saure, B. Zeller-Plumhoff, S. Kaps, J. Hammel, C. Mohr, L. Rieck, A. Shaygan Nia, X. Feng, N. M. Pugno, R. Adelung, F. Schütt

    Overcoming Water Diffusion Limitations in Hydrogels Via Microtubular Graphene Networks for Soft Actuators,

    Advanced materials, (2023), 2302816

  4. V. Fazio, D. Tommasi, N. M. Pugno, G. Puglisi

    Spider silks mechanics: Predicting humidity and temperature effects,

    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2022), 164, 104857

  5. F. Bosia, V. F. Dal Poggetto, A. S. Gliozzi, G. Greco, M. Lott, M. Miniaci, F. Ongaro, M. Onorato, S. F. Seyyedizadeh, M. Tortello, N. M.Pugno

    Optimized structures for vibration attenuation and sound control in nature: A review.,

    Matter (2022), 5, 10, 3311-3340

  6. N. M.Pugno

    On the controversial role of earthquake triggering of the Rigopiano avalanche,

    Matter (2022), 5, 2, 372-376

  7. L. D. Machado, R. A. Bizao, N. M. Pugno, D. S. Galvão

    Controlling Movement at Nanoscale: Curvature Driven Mechanotaxis,

    Small (2021), 17, 2100909

  8. N. M.Pugno

    The centenary of Griffith's theory,

    Matter (2021), 4, 3811-3813

  9. D. Liprandi, F. Bosia, N. M.Pugno

    A theoretical-numerical model for the peeling of elastic membranes,

    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2020), 136, 103733

  10. N. M.Pugno

    The commemoration of Leonardo da Vinci,

    Meccanica (2019), 54, 15, 2317-2324.

  11. G. Costagliola, F. Bosia, N. M.Pugno

    A 2-D model for friction of complex anisotropic surfaces,


  12. N. M.Pugno

    The theory of multiple peeling,

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE (2011), Guest Editor Nicola M. Pugno (2011), 171, 185-193

  13. N. M.Pugno

    The design of self-collapsed super-strong nanotube bundles,

    J. OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS (2010), 58, 1397-1410

  14. N. M.Pugno, R. RUOFF

    Quantized Fracture Mechanics,

    PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, pp. 2829-2845, 2004, Vol. 84, ISSN: 1478-6435

  15. N. M.Pugno

    Book of Abstracts: "Bioinspired Nanomechanics: a discussion for the centenary of the Griffith's Theory" pp. 13-16, in "25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Plenary Opening Lecture
  1. S. Jaddi, M. W. Malik, B. Wang, N. M. Pugno, Y. Zeng, M. Coulombier, J. P. Raskin, T. Pardoen

    Definitive engineering strength and fracture toughness of graphene through on-chip nanomechanics,

    Nature Communications, (2024), 15, 5863

  2. K. Arakawa, N. Kono, A. D. Malay, A. Tateishi, N. Ifuku, H. Masunaga, R. Sato, K.Tsuchiya, R. Ohtoshi, D. Pedrazzoli, A.Shinohara, Y. Ito, H. Nakamura, A. Tanikawa, Y. Suzuki, T. Ichikawa, S. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, M. Tomita, S. J. Blamires, J. Chuah, H. Craig, C. P. Foong, G. Greco, J. Guan, C. Holland, D. L. Kaplan, K. Sudesh, B. B. Mandal, Y. Norma-Rashid, N. A. Oktaviani, R. C. Preda, N. M.Pugno, R. Rajkhowa, X. Wang, K. Yazawa, Z. Zheng, K. Numata

    1000 spider silkomes: Linking sequences to silk physical properties. ,"Cover",

    Science advances (2022), 8, eabo6043

  3. F. Schütt, M. Zapf, S. Signetti, J. Strobel, H. Krüger, R. Röder, J. Carstensen, N. Wolff, J. Marx, T. Carey, M. Schweichel, M. Terasa, L. Siebert, H. Hong, S. Kaps, B. Fiedler, Y. K. Mishra, Z. Lee, N. M. Pugno, L. Kienle, A. C. Ferrari, F. Torrisi, C. Ronning, R. Adelung

    Conversionless efficient and broadband laser light diffusers for high brightness illumination applications,

    Nature communications (2020), 11, 1437

  4. Y. Wu, B. O. Okesola, J. Xu, I. Korotkin, A. Berardo, I. Corridori, F. L. Pellerej di Brocchetti, J. Kanczler, J. Feng, W. Li, Y. Shi, V. Farafonov, Y. Wang, R. F. Thompson, M. Titirici, D. Nerukh, S. Karabasov, R. O. C. Oreffo, J. C. Rodriguez-Cabello, G. Vozzi, H. S. Azevedo, N. M.Pugno, W. Wang, A. Mata

    Disordered protein-graphene oxide co-assembly and supramolecular biofabrication of functional fluidic devices,

    Nature Communications (2020), 11, 1182

  5. D.G. Purdie, N. M.Pugno, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A.C. Ferrari, A. Lombardo, Cleaning interfaces in layered materials heterostructures. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2018), 9, 5387.
  6. S. Elsharkawy, M. Al-Jawad, M.F. Pantano, E. Tejeda-Montes, K. Mehta, H. Jama, S. Agarwal, K. Shuturminska1, A. Rice, N.V. Tarakina, R.M. Wilson, A.J. Bushby, M. Alonso, J.C. Rodriguez-Cabello, E. Barbieri, A. del Río Hernández, M.M. Stevens, N. M.Pugno, P. Anderson, A. Mata, Protein disorder-order interplay to guide the growth of hierarchical mineralized structures. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2018), 9, 2145.
  7. I. Polishchuk, A.A. Bracha, L. Bloch, D. Levy, S. Kozachkevich, Y. Etinger-Geller, Y. Kauffmann, M. Burghammer, C. Giacobbe, J. Villanova, G. Hendler, C.-Y. Sun, A.J. Giuffre, M.A. Marcus, L. Kundanati, P. Zaslansky, N. M.Pugno, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, A. Katsman, B. Pokroy, Coherently aligned nanoparticles with a biogenic single crystal: A biological prestressing strategy. SCIENCE (2017), 358, 1294-1298.
  8. F. Schütt, S. Signetti, H. Krüger, S. Röder, D. Smazna, S. Kaps, S.N. Gorb, Y.K. Mishra, N. Pugno, R. Adelung, Hierarchical self-entangled carbon nanotube tube networks. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2017), 8, 1215.
  9. G. Nardone, J.O.-De La Cruz, J. Vrbsky, C. Martini, J. Pribyl, P. Skládal, M. Pešl, G. Caluori, S. Pagliari, F. Martino, Z. Maceckova, M. Hajduch, A. Sanz-Garcia, N. M.Pugno, G.B. Stokin, G. Forte, YAP regulates cell mechanics by controlling focal adhesion assembly. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2017), 8, 15321.
  10. R. Meija, S. Signetti, A. Schuchardt, K. Meurisch, D. Smazna, M. Mecklenburg, K. Schulte, D. Erts, O. Lupan, B. Fiedler, Y.K. Mishra, R. Adelung, N. M.Pugno, Nanomechanics of individual aerographite tetrapods. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2017), 8, 14982.
  11. S. Lin, S. Ryu, O. Tokareva, G. Gronau, M.M. Jakobsen, W. Huang, D.J. Rizzo, D. Li, C. Staii, N. M.Pugno, J.Y. Wong, D.L. Kaplan, M.J. Buehler, Predictive modelling-based design and experiments for synthesis and spinning of bioinspired silk fibres. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2015) 6, 6892.
  12. J. Zang, Q. Wang, Q. Tu, S. Ryu, N. M.Pugno, M. Buehler, X. Zhao, Multifunctionality and control of the crumpling and unfolding of large-area graphene, NATURE MATERIALS (2013), 12, 321-325.
  13. P. H. Tan, W. P. Han, W. J. Zhao, Z. H. Wu, K. Chang, H. Wang, Y. F. Wang, N. Bonini, N. Marzari, N. M.Pugno, G. Savini, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari, The shear mode of multi-layer graphene, NATURE MATERIALS (2012), 11, 294-300.
  14. S.W. Cranford, A. Tarakanova, N. M.Pugno, M.J. Buehler, Nonlinear material behaviour of spider silk yields robust webs, NATURE (2012), 482, 72-78. Cover Story and 18 pages of Supplementary Information, DOI 10.1038/nature10739.
  15. A. CARPINTERI, N. M. Pugno

    Are the scaling laws on strength of solids related to mechanics or to geometry?,

    NATURE MATERIALS, pp. 421-423, 2005, Vol. 4, ISSN: 1476-1122



  • Nicolò Di Novo, one of Professor Pugno's postdoc, got the 2024 "Young Researchers for Innovation in Trentino area" Research Award, 27 September, 2024, which is also appeared in Trentino ufficiostampa.
  • A news about the recent paper in UnitnPressroom (Italian) and UnitnPressroom (English) , 23 September 2024, which is also appears in the ladige, il T quotidiano, Adn Kronos, CremonaOggi, Il Dolomiti, IlNordestQuotidiano, TV33 (1), MeteoWeb, TV33 (2), phys.org.
  • Nicolò Di Novo, one of Professor Pugno's postdoc, got the 2024 "Young Researchers for Innovation" Research Award, 10 September, 2024.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a co-chairs of Mini-Symposia, on the following topic: Nonlinear mechanical models for biological and bioinspired materials, in the ICTAM 2024, 25-30 August, 2024, Daegu, Korea.
  • Anirban, prof Ruoff, prof Puglisi, and others
    Anirban (postdoc of prof Ruoff), prof Puglisi, prof Fratzl, prof Ryu, Kamal (postdoc of prof Pugno), prof Ruoff, prof Pugno, prof Florio
    Kamal, prof Pugno, prof Ruoff, Anirban
    Kamal, prof Pugno, prof Ruoff, Anirban
    prof Pugno, prof Ruoff, prof Gao
    prof Pugno, prof Ruoff, prof Gao
    prof Pugno, prof Florio, and others
    prof Pugno, prof Florio, prof Fraldi, postdoc of prof Gao, Anirban, Kamal, prof Ruoff, prof Gao
    prof Rauoff, prof Pugno and prof Fratzl
    prof Rauoff, prof Pugno and prof Fratzl
    A strange meeting between profs Pugno and Puglisi
  • A news from Prof. Pugno, Non meritavo la multa e farò ricorso, has been published in l'Adige, 1 August, 2024.
  • New web site for ITALIAN ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT ASSOCIATION has been announced, 27 July, 2024.
  • Prof. Pugno has participated in an international project in which the researchers were able to conduct hundreds of experiments to measure the ultimate mechanical properties of graphene published in Nature Communications. UNITN - Pressroom (En), UNITN - Pressroom (It), Secolo Trentino, L'Adige, rivistanatura, Il T quotidiano.
  • Prof. Pugno presented his research activity at the students of the Casa Alpina San Secondo di Torino (Don Mario Foradini), Pragelato 9 July 2024.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a member of Computational Mechanics of Materials Across the Scales committee and invited speaker, in the CIMTEC 2024, 20-24 June, 2024, Montecatini Terme, Italy.
  • The recent paper entitled with Topology in soft and biological matter posted as a news in UnitrentoMag, 28 May, Trento, Italy.
  • Professor N. M. Pugno Mentor of Team 1 for the Challenge - Vascular Surgery, Final Event 15 May 2024, Trento, Italy.
  • Professor Nicola M. Pugno Highly Ranked Scholar in All Fields (Prior 5 years) and in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Lifetime) according to ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar.
  • Professor N. M. Pugno alongside with his postdoc, N. Di Novo attendance to the program show "MATTINO INSIEME", and talk about their recent paper and collaboration with FBK, 24, April, 2024, Trento, Italy.
  • The recent collaboration of Professor Pugno and his post-doc, N. Di Novo, with FBK has been published in a recent paper and tuned into a news, 26 March 2024. University of Trento, Media - Pressroom, Alto Adige, MeteoWeb, l'Adige, ildolomiti, T QUOTIDIANO, CORRIERE DI TRENTINO (1), CORRIERE DI TRENTINO (2), Giornale Di Brescia, "MATTINO INSIEME".
  • Project entitled "AMPHYBIA: Advanced Metamaterials from PHYsics and Biomechanics of Axolotls" will be presented in the Mechanics of soft, heterogeneous, and biological materials: state of the art and perspectives of the Italian Scientific Community, PRIN kick-off meeting, 15-17 February 2024, Bari, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno has been selected as editorial board member for Engineering - Mechanics of the Top Italian Scientists Journal, December, 2023.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a member of the scientific community as co-signatories of the Open Science Charter, December 2023.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a Keynote speaker in the Bio-inspired and bio-integrated materials in accelerating technologies, 1-3 December, 2023, Suzhou, China.
  • Prof. Pugno (in the middle) with some his former phd students (prof. Chen, with the mask, and prof. Sun, at his left) now both professors in China, during the Cell Press conference.

  • Prof. N. M. Pugno presents the final results for the Life Green Vulcanm with the topic of "Calibration of physically-based rubber compound simulation tool", 14 November, 2023.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a organizer and speaker in the BOHEME-METAVEH joint workshop, 2-3 November, 2023, Imperial College London, UK.
  • A comment from Prof. N. M. Pugno for the topic of Webs and Leaps: Hunting adaptations of spiders, 23 October, 2023, PNAS.
  • Prof. Giuseppe Puglisi as a adjucent scientist and Dr. Vincenzo Fazio as a our Ph.D. have the Physics-Based Machine Learning Lab seminar, 13 October, 2023, University of Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited to USA and Italy: Biomechanists Outlining New Directions (U&I: BOND) workshop, 24-27 September, 2023, Naples, Italy.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno has a short presentation during Humboldt Colloquium: "Research Collaborations in Transition - Opportunities and Challenges for the Humboldt Network", with the following programm 21 - 23 September, 2023, Rome, Italy.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno has a presenting project results in the Mid-Term Seminar Toward zero-net mobility, Summary of the seminar (Italian version), and Picture Gallary of the Seminar at Torino, 14 September, 2023
  • Prof. Pugno's Plenary Opening Lecture "Bioinspired Nanomechanics: a discussion for the centenary of the Griffith's Theory" at the International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2020+1. Extended Abstract. Milano, 23 August 2021. Bone related paper in arxiv: Toughening and mechanosensing in bone: a perfectly balanced mechanism based on competing stresses, arXiv:2206.14493v1.
    The article The centenary of Griffith's Theory, where Prof. pugno reflects on some Griffith's based approaches to fracture mechanics, was published on Matter. UniTrentoMag, the official news magazine of Universiti di Trento, released a news article about the keynote. Furthermore, the journal Frontiers in Materials highlighted Prof. Pugno's keynote on its Twitter page.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited as Humboldt Research Award winner by the President of Germany, 29 June 2023, Berlin, Germany.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited in the round table NUOVE TECNOLOGIE IN CHIRURGIA VASCOLARE and speach about Compositi strutturali e stampa 3D in medicina, 27 June, 2023, Trento, Italy
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a invited speaker for XXII International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM), with the followind topic: Nanomechanics of Natural, Bioinspired, and Bionic Fibers and Related Composites, Conference program, 5-9 June, 2023, Bari, Italy.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited to Frontiers Forum Live, 27-29 April, 2023, Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, Montreux, Switzerland & virtually.
  • Dr. Vinicius Dal Poggetto is a lecturer of a Ph.D. course in waves in metamaterials and periodic structures, 12-14 April, 2023, Trento, Italy, (Flyer).
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited to ICNF 2023 - 6th International Conference on Natural Fibers as a plenary/keynote speaker with a talk on: Nanomechanics of natural, bioinspired and bionic fibers and related composites, 19-21 June, 2023, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno attends Frontiers Session 2023 as editor in chief of frontiers in materials, 27-29 April, 2023.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno attends the award cermony for the Humboldt Prize, 23-26 March 2023, a news in UniTrentoMAG, a news in The Italian Society of Construction Science, a news in Kiel Nano, Surface and Interface Science
  • An opinion from Prof. Pugno about "Piste piene di pietre: rovinati gli sci, non sono più tornato" has been published in l'Adige, 14 February, 2023.
  • Prof. Pugno and his colleague published an article entitled Cicalina della vite: un controllo sostenibile con le vibrazioni in VITO&VINO, February 2023.
  • The "Laboratory of bioinspired, bionic, nano, meta materias & mechanics" has been added to the project of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research in Sport
  • Prizes for young researchers of the Trentino region assigned to our Gabriele Greco (related news 1 and news 2)and Diego Misseroni. Gabriele also won the prize for scientific popularization. Compliments!
  • Prof. Pugno appearing within the top 2% scientists in the world according to the World Ranking of Scientist by the Stanford University [ref1, complete database, ref2] along with other scientists from Università di Trento (see UniTn Press release [In Italian], rank list). Trento, 22 November 2022.
    Total number of international journal paper from 1999-2021: 573
    Rank within the subfield: 129/121,447 (top 0.106%)
  • The final event of the 2018-2022 project of the department of excellence DICAM was held on Polo di Mesiano, 25 November, 2022.
  • Professor Nicola Pugno has received in 2022 the "Humboldt Research Award", a news in University of Trento, 15 February 2023.
  • Turning your breakfast food into a new material that can cheaply remove salt and microplastics from seawater. A news in the "Princeton University" and "Lab Manager" which referenced to the recent published paper.
  • Silk and magnetic nanostructures for the future materials (in Italian). A news in the "Università degli Studi fi Ferrara" and "aise.it" which referenced to the recent published papers: Ref1, Ref2
  • Observation of new material based on nature for vibration control (in Italian). A news in the "poliflash", the Politecnico di Torino Magazine, 27 Ocrober 2022, Related paper.
  • Gabriele Greco tells why the future technology lies on the spiders lives (in Italian). A news in the RaiNews.it, 30 September 2022.
  • Congratulations to Nicolò Giuseppe Di Novo for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on " WATER SELF-EJECTION, FROSTING, HARVESTING AND VIRUSES VIABILITY ON SURFACES: MODELLING AND FABRICATION", 24 October 2022, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Daniele Liprandi for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on " NUMERICAL MODELS FOR ADHESION AND FRACTURE OF BIOLOGICAL AND BIO-INSPIRED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES", 24 October 2022, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Sara Residori for having successfully defended her PhD thesis on " FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 3D PRINTED METALLIC AND NON-METALLIC GRAPHENE COMPOSITES", 24 October 2022, Trento, Italy.
  • Ultra-light aerogels derived from egg white, CNRNano, 11 October 2022, related paper.
  • Horizons in Materials: high-impact, authoritative, and accessible review articles at the forefront of materials science. Watch Nicola Pugno - Field Chief Editor and Professor at @UniTrento - discuss the cutting-edge work presented in this article collection.
  • Forced to change house as a consequence of benzene: Related news in the L'Adige newspaper, 28 July 2022
  • Welcome friends from Ucraina! Related news in the L'Adige newspaper, 15 March 2022.
  • The condolence message from the Queen Mary University of London: Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II: 1926-2022.
  • Professor Pugno invited Dr. Mahmood Heshmati as a visiting associate professor from Kermanshah University of Technology, who presented a workshop about " Design, Analysis and Applications of Modern Engineering Materials: Nanocomposites, Composites, Functionally Graded and Porous Materials" at DICAM, Trento, 23 August 2022. Workshop vidoe
  • A news from Prof. Pugno, Costretto a traslocare per colpa del benzene, has been published in l'Adige, 28 July, 2022.
  • Professor Nicola Pugno is a member of committee for Space Science and Technology - SST doctoral programme.
  • Introducing TRIBO spotlighted on The EnginSoft's Simulation Based Engineering & Sciences Magazine. Full magazine.
  • Engineered Spider Silk study highlighted on Nature Italy. Related paper.
  • Our new system T-Rem3die for innovative sutures in Chirurgy wins the Ancalau prize for innovation, June, 2022. Related news articles: poliflash.polito.it, gazzettadalba.it, and ideawebtv.it.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno invited to International Intelligent Materials (IIM 2022) as a speaker with a talk on: Mechanics of tetrapods and related networks, 30 June, 2022, ATLANTIC Hotel Kiel, Germany.
  • Prof. Pugno's interview within the Life Green Vulcan Project, 10 May, 2022.
  • Prof. Pugno is organizing a session at the EMMC18 - 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference that will be held 4-6 April 2022, Oxford, UK.
  • Nicola Castagna and Nicola Pugno, When teacher and student exchange their role (In occasione dei 150 anni della Sat - Societa degli Alpinisti tridentini e dei 70 anni del Trento Film Festival, UniTrentoMag dedica alcuni articoli alla montagna e a chi ne è protagonista), UniTrentoMag, 3 March, 2022.
  • Prof. N. M. Pugno is a Co-signatories of the commentariy about The missing link of science in policy - 1M scientists and 100M hours could be part of the answer, 28 February, 2022
  • Congratulations to Elena Missale for having successfully defended her PhD thesis on " NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF TYRE COMPUNDS FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES", 24 January 2022, Trento, Italy.
  • A Prof. Pugno's contribution for the 5 years from the Rigopiano's tragedy. Original paper (English), Italian version of the paper, Trento, 18 January 2022.
    Related news articles: studio3a.net, Ansa.it, News-town.it, Ilcapoluogo.it, Vastoweb.com, Abruzzoweb.it, Lanotiziagiornale.it, Giornalenordest.it, Abruzzo24ore.tv, Corrieredelveneto.corriere.it, Lanuovariviera.it, Interris.it, Meteoweb.eu, Rete8.it, Ilcentro.it, Abruzzo.cityrumors.it, Giornaletrentino.it, Tg24.sky.it, Veratv.it, Ladigetto.it, Radiolaquila1.it, Ladige.it, Agi.it, Blitzquotidiano.it, Quotidiano.net, Fanpage.it, Dire.it, Ilpescara.it, Meteoweek.com, Laquilablog.it, Lacerbaonline.it, Notizie.virgilio.it, Ilgiorno.it, Radioetv.it, Confinelive.it, Abruzzoindependent.it, Sicilianews24.it, Rete8.it, Itanews24.com, Mam-e.it, Piazzarossetti.it, Metronews.it, Corrierenazionale.it, Giornaledimontesilvano.com, Websalute.it, True-news.it, Cittanuova.it. abruzzoweb.it, meteoweb.eu, vastoweb.com, zonalocale.it, "S.T.D".
  • Dr. Rachele Nieri, PhD student of the Prof. Pugno's lab, gave a talk about vibrational communication in social wasps "Biotremology of social wasps: A neglected communication channel" for the BioTremoTalks, a series of seminars about biotremology hosted by the National Institute of Biology, Slovenia. 21 October 2021.
  • PhD students from Prof. Pugno's research group held games, experimental demonstrations and poster presentations at Sharper Night Trento 2021, held in the rooms of the Museo delle Scienze. Photo Gallery. 21 September 2021, Trento.
  • Prof. Pugno appears in the article Come mai le spugne vivono undicimila anni? [In Italian], published by the national newspaper LaStampa. 13 September 2021, Torino.
  • Nicolò di Novo, PhD student of the Prof. Pugno's lab, wins the 2021 Enzo Ferroni Award with the presentation Growth and self-ejection of single condensate droplet on nanostructured microcones. 13 September 2021, Athens, Greece.
  • Congratulations to Eleonora Isotta for having successfully defended her PhD thesis on "NANOSTRUCTURED THERMOELECTRIC KESTERITE CU2ZNSNS4", 7 September 2021, Trento, Italy.
  • ICTAM 2021+1 keynote presentations by Dr. Seyed Kamal Jalali, PhD students Daniele Liprandi and Sara Residori. Milano, 22 August 2021.
  • Boheme - Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials, the FET Project cohordinated by Prof. Pugno's research group, cited in FetFx. 3 June 2021.
  • Dr. Gabriele Greco presenting his talk "Cosa ci insegnano i ragni?" at CambiaMenti - Voci della ricerca, a selection of seminars and interviews funded by Fondazione Caritro. Trento, 25 May 2021.
  • Prof. Pugno's Equality & Diversity Briefing certificate, Challenging Unconscious Bias certificate, Health and Work Safety and Work Safety certificate obtained in 2021.
  • Università di Trento is the beneficiary of 31 of the European Research Council grants. Prof. Pugno appears in five of the thirty-one ERC funded projects, leading four of them. Unitn press release [in Italian]. Full list of ERC grants won at Unitn. Trento, 6 May 2021.
  • PhD student Nicolò Giuseppe Di Novo and Prof. Pugno published the article Modelling of virus survival time in respiratory droplets on surfaces: a new rational approach for anti-virus strategies. In this article, they discuss the dependence on climate conditions and surface properties of viruses survival (including Sars cov 2). Press release by Università di Trento (in Italian). 16 April 2021, Trento.
  • Prof. Pugno and his friends use bicycle and ski to do sport in the covid period, a news in l'Adige, 29 March 2021.
  • Prof. Pugno presenting an educational talk "I Fantastici 4" at Liceo Da Ponte, 21 March 2021, Bassano del Grappa, Italy
  • The LIFE GREEN VULCAN official site is now online. The LIFE GREEN VULCAN project aims at increasing the reuse rate of rubber waste with an innovative and environmentally friendly devulcanisation technology. Co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, project will enable a circular and low-carbon economy by expanding the recycling rate of End-of-Life tyres. 16 March 2021.
  • Prof. Pugno appeared on the "Voice of Islam" podcast episode "Drive Time Show: Spider Webs and then Lying"
    Voice Of Islam, Drive Time Show Podcast 09-03-2021 - Spider Webs and then Lying
  • Maria Consolata Pugno, Prof. Diego Misseroni and Prof. Pugno published the article Air-encapsulating elastic mechanism of submerged Taraxacum blowballs. The article appeared on national and international science magazines and sites. International: Phys, Eurekalert, Hightech, Agenparl. National: Ansa, Sky TG24, Rivista Natura, Askanews, la Voce del Trentino, VitaTrentina, IlSole24Ore. Press release by the University of Trento
  • Dott. Gabriele Greco and Prof. Nicola Pugno published the article How spiders hunt heavy prey: the tangle web as a pulley and spider's lifting mechanics observed and quantified in the laboratory. The article made the cover of the issue of the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

    Furthermore, the article appeared on the Science Magazine: Watch this tiny spider grab a bug 50 times its weight, thanks to some fancy string pulling and on New Scientist: Some spiders use their silk to hoist helpless prey so it cannot escape. A dedicated video has been made by BBC Earth. The article also appeared on the following magazines and newspapers: Inverse, LiveScience, ScienceNews, SmithsonianMag, Phys.org, NPR, GreenReport and others. On the following local newspapers (In Italian): Dolomiti, L'Adige. 2 February 2021, Trento.

    Finally, Dr. Greco appeared on the Italian national scientific news program Leonardo.

  • Scenari futuri logoProf. Pugno guest at the Matching day "Scenari futuri tra umanesimo, scienza e tecnologia". Prof. Pugno will present "Leonardo e "l'imitazione della natura": la commemorazione di Nicola Pugno ai 500 anni dalla morte" [in Italian]. 28 January 2021.
  • Prof. Pugno's Laboratory appearing on the Italian economics newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore" in the "Science & Research - Academic Excellence Realities" section (newspaper article). 18 December 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno appearing within the top 2% scientists in the world (top 0.12% in his field) according to the World Ranking of Scientist by the Stanford University [link to ref], along with other scientists from Università di Trento (see UniTn Press release [In Italian], l'Adige [in Italian], rank list). Trento, 2 December 2020.
  • Informative lecture for kids about spiders and spider mechanics held by Dr. G. Greco. Pergine Valsugana, 20 October 2020.
  • The registrations for the Honours programme "Modelling & Simulation" are now open. The deadline is the 31 October 2020 4 P.M. CET. More info are available here. Trento, 3 September 2020.
  • Congratulations to Andrea Rodella for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "ANALYTICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELLING OF UNDULATORY LOCOMOTION FOR LIMBLESS ORGANISMS IN GRANULAR/VISCOUS MEDIA", 26 August 2020, Trento, Italy.
  • Global Shapers Hub Trento appears on the Agenda 2030 of the Provincia di Trento for the sustainability and development of the region [in Italian], Trento, 12 August 2020.
  • Dr. Miniaci on the local news for the commendation given by his birthplace for his scientific awards, including a Marie Curie Award and the FET Open grant BOHEME - Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials [in Italian], Albanella, 31 July 2020.
  • Superquark, the most famous Italian science documentary television series, talks about meteors and about PRISMA, the italian network for meteor observation (Link to the PRISMA official site). Rome, 29 July 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno's article Exploring Event Horizons and Hawking Radiation through Deformed Graphene Membranes on the Italian national newspaper "la Repubblica" [in Italian], Roma, 14 July 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno's article Mechanobiology predicts raft formations triggered by ligand-receptor activity across the cell membrane about the attacking mecanisms of the Covid-19 virus appears on the international newspaper EurekaAlert, in the Italian news agencies ANSA, Askanews and on the newspapers Sky TG 24, Tecnomedicina, Il Riformista, Dolomiti, TrentoToday, Il Napolista. Press release by the University of Trento, 9 June 2020, Trento.
  • Frontiers in Materials introduces a new research topic "Covid-19: Materials Science and Engineering Challenges" which will lead to the release of a special issue regarding the 2020 pandemic, 4 June 2020.
  • The special issue of Frontiers in Materials Frontiers in Materials: Rising stars has been released, 31 April 2020. Download PDF
  • Congratulations to Dr. Gabriele Greco for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Experimental nanomechanics of natural or artificial spider silks and related systems", 22 April 2020, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Lorenzo Preti for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "New multi-doped apatites as 3-D porous devices with multifunctional ability for regenerative medicine", 22 April 2020, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno's collaboration with Politecnico di Torino and Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO4 lead to the development of a new medical device, T-REM3DIE. Il Sole 24 Ore, Polito News. Torino, 11 April 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno's pubblication Conversionless efficient and broadband laser light diffusers for high brightness illumination applications on Nanowerk, 18 March 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno's call for Global Shapers on the University Web Megazine [In Italian], 9 March 2020, Trento.
  • Prof. Pugno's pubblication Disordered protein-graphene oxide co-assembly and supramolecular biofabrication of functional fluidic devices on Science Daily and SciTech Daily, 5 March 2020.
  • Prof. Pugno, Ilaria Corridori and Francesco Anesi wrote an article on the local newspaper "L'Adige" calling for young people to participate to the newborn Global Shapers Hub in Trento, 4 March 2020. (Article, first page column) [In Italian].
  • Prof. Pugno on the regional TV news Buongiorno Regione Trentino Alto Adige (20:50) and TGR Trentino (08:10) talking about BOHEME - Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials, 31 January 2020. Download video [In Italian]
  • Nature comm logo
  • The Kickoff meeting of BOHEME - Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials was held in Trento. On the same occasion, a new name is given to the laboratory of Prof. Pugno: "LB2NM3 - Laboratory of Bio-inspired, Bionic, Nano, Meta Materials & Mechanics". Trento, 23, 24 January 2020. Photo Gallery
  • Nature comm logo
  • ANSA press release about the fall of a meteor in Italy during New Year's Eve [in Italian]. The meteor observations in Italy are made and coordinated by PRISMA. For recent news about the research on Meteors see the Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference 2018.
  • Prof. Nicola Maria Pugno, to commemorate Leonardo da Vinci (also considered the father of Bioinspiration and Biomimetics) 500 years from his death, proposes the texts prepared by Prof. Giuseppe Maria Pugno, in the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's birth, in 1952 and others related to Solid and Structural Mechanics.

  • Prof. Pugno co-organizer of the Mechanics of Nanocomposites and Hybrid Materials Symposium (see in PDF) at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting. Making a keynote speach "The Leonardo da Vinci's Legacy, 500 Years After His Death". 1-6 December 2019, Boston, USA.
  • Prof. Pugno co-organizer of the Workshop on Advances in Numerical Modelling of Adhesion and Friction, dedicated by Prof. Pugno to Leonardo da Vinci in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of his death. 18-19 November 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed by the national newspaper "Corriere della Sera" regarding the "Vibrobug" project. La sostenibilità parte dal vino. Focus by Investintrentino. [In italian], 29 October 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed by the local newspaper "L'Adige" regarding the FET OPEN grant "Bhoeme", Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterial. Mesiano, uomini del ragno da premio [in italian], 1 August 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Luigi Calabrese for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Development of Devices Based on Electrically Actuated Soft Elastomers", 24 July 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to David Novel for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Mechanical and physical characterization of graphene composites", 24 July 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Nature comm logo
  • Protein disorder-order interplay to guide the growth of hierarchical mineralized structures is the most read Nature Communications chemistry and materials science article published in 2018.
  • Frontiers journals lead in citations and rank at the top of impact metrics. Frontiers in Materials has a new Impact Factor of 2.689.
  • Prof. Pugno in the scientific committee of Graphene 2019, 25-28 June 2019, Rome, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno co-chair with Prof. Motta, and with PhD Student of the Lab Gabriele Greco in the Local Committee, of the Frontiers in Silk Science and Technologies - 3rd Trento Innovation Conference on Material Engineering (TICME), 12-15 June 2019, Trento, Italy. Making a keynote speach titled "Spider lifting". Co-guest editor of the related special issue on Frontiers in Silk Science and Technologies
    (Programme PDF)
    Press release by the University of Trento [in Italian]
  • Press article by Agenzia ANSA titled Dai cammelli alle meduse, l'arca di Noè dei biomateriali, regarding the work of Prof. Pugno and Prof. Motta [In Italian].
  • Prof. Pugno member of the Local committee of RAMSS 2019 - RECENT ADVANCES IN MECHANICS OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES and speaker: "Could a spider lift Davide Bigoni?". 6-7 June 2019, Trento, Italy. (Programme PDF)
  • Congratulations to Martina Azzolini for having successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Monte Carlo simulations of electron transport in 3D solids and Molecular Dynamics simulations of the mechanics of 2D materials", 29 May 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Tommaso Morresi for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "From atoms to extended structures via ab-initio and multi-scale simulations", 29 May 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Informative lecture for kids about spider mechanics and spider lifting held by N. M.Pugno and G. Greco for the 4th grade students of the primary school "Istituto Sacro Cuore". A mechanical experiment was shown thanks to the setup realized by D. Misseroni. 22 May 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • Patent on mechanical characterization of nanomaterials by M. Pantano, N. M.Pugno and G. Speranza chosen as one of the most promising italian projects at InnovAgorà, 7 May 2019, Milan, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Roberto Guarino for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Modelling and Simulation in Tribology of Complex Interfaces", 2 May 2019, Trento, Italy.
  • PRIN 2017 grant by the Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca coordinated by Prof. Pugno
  • Self-organized and self-propelled aero-GaN mentioned in research update in PhysicsWorld, 6 Feb, 2019. Related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno in the Advisory Editorial Board of Matter.
  • Configurational switching in living cells featured on ANSA, Italia2TV, Notizie Ora, L'Adige [in Italian]. Watch related video [in Italian]. See related paper.
  • PhD student of the Lab Benedetta Calusi interviewed on root growth in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 21 November 2018. Link [from min 19:25].
  • PhD student of the Lab Simone Ghio interviewed on bio-inspired surfaces in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 16 November 2018. Link [from min 18:50].
  • PhD student of the Lab Alice Berardo interviewed on knots in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 14 November 2018. Link [from min 28:05].
  • PhD student of the Lab Roberto Guarino interviewed on spider sensors in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 9 November 2018. Link [from min 20:00].
  • PhD student of the Lab Gabriele Greco interviewed on spider silk and webs in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 5 November 2018. Link [from min 21:25].
  • PhD student of the Lab Luigi Calabrese interviewed on robotics in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 31 October 2018. Link [from min 19:55].
  • PhD student of the Lab Gabriele Greco interviewed on spiders in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 26 October 2018. Link [from min 19:35].
  • Dr. Bosia interviewed on metamaterials in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 24 October 2018. Link [from min 04:55].
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed on bio-inspired nanomechanics in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 19 October 2018. Link [from min 19:05].
  • Researcher of the Lab Dr. Maria F. Pantano interviewed on MEMS in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 10 October 2018. Link [from min 04:30].
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed on graphene nanomechanics in Memex - Galileo [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 3 October 2018. Link [from min 19:45].
  • Frontiers in Materials has received its 2017 Impact Factor of 2.008.
  • PhD and PostDoc positions available at Quantum Science and Technology in Trento, Italy.
  • Multilayer stag beetle elytra mechanical properties featured on ANSA, Sky TG24, Corriere del Trentino, La Voce del Trentino [in Italian]. See related paper.
  • Superior mechanical performance of folded graphene featured on nanowerk, Phys.org. See related paper.
  • Growth of hieararchical mineralized materials through protein order-disorder interplay, highlighted on Phys.org, DailyMail. In Italian: Alto Adige, l'Adige. In Spanish: El Pais. See related paper.
  • Low-frequency sound control by means of bio-inspired and fractal designs, highlight on acoustics.org. See related papers: 1, 2.
  • Prof. Pugno co-guest editor with Dr. Bosia of the special issue "Bioinspired dry and wet adhesion" on Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.
  • Prof. Pugno particpant in the Frontiers Forum 2018, 22-24 June 2018, Verbier, Switzerland.
  • Congratulations to Alice Berardo for having successfully defended her PhD thesis on "A numerical and experimental study on the friction of complex surfaces", 14 June 2018, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Benedetta Calusi for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Penetration mechanics of plant roots and related inspired robots", 14 June 2018, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno invited ERC grantee at the Transport Research Arena 2018, 16-19 April 2018, Wien, Austria.
  • Congratulations to Simone Ghio for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Design and microfabrication of multifunctional bio-inspired surfaces", 9 April 2018, Trento, Italy.
  • Congratulations to Andrea Pedrielli for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Modeling and simulations of low dimensional and nanostructured systems of the nanoscale", 9 April 2018, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno interview on bionic silk on Zoomin.TV.
  • Prof. Pugno interview on the aerographite tetrapods at Smart City on Radio 24, 12 January 2018 [in Italian].
  • Congratulations to Marica Broseghini for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "MODELLING OF HIGH-ENERGY GRINDING PROCESSES", 14 December 2017, Trento, Italy.
  • Brittle starfish inspires tough ceramics, highlight on ScienceDaily, QMUL. In Italian: MeteoWeb, ANSA. See related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno interview on the brittle starfish at Smart City on Radio 24, 8 December 2017 [in Italian].
  • Patent on mechanical characterization of nanomaterials granted (priority date 28 September 2017). Link.
  • 2D material armors featured on ANSA [in Italian]. See related paper.
  • Hierarchical self-entangled carbon nanotube tube networks featured on ANSA [in Italian]. See related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed on travel design.
  • Dr. Federico Bosia interviewed on Unica Radio, 10 November 2017 [in Italian].
  • Spider weight lifting featured on ANSA, Il Mattino, La Stampa, Trentino, Il Secolo XIX [in Italian]. See related paper. Video demonstration in English. Video demonstration in Italian.
  • Spider web labyrinthine metamaterials featured on Phys.org, Materials World. See related paper.
  • Conductive paraffin/graphene composites featured on c&en. See related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno co-guest editor with Dr. Bosia and Prof. Fraldi of the special issue "Mechanics of Extreme Materials" on Meccanica.
  • Prof. Pugno co-guest editor with Prof. Valentini of the special issue "Mechanics, Electrical and Optical Properties of Nano-Thin Films" on Nanomaterials.
  • The special issue of Frontiers in Materials Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials has been released, 19 September 2018.
  • Prof. Pugno in the local organizing committee and co-organizer of the mini-symposia "Graphene and related materials and systems" and "Mechanics of silk: from molecules to orb-webs" at the 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 2-6 July 2018, Bologna, Italy. Flyer.
  • Prof. Pugno in the scientific committee and organizer of the mini-symposium "Mechanics of extreme materials: graphene-related, composite, meta- and biological/bioinspired materials" at the 1st International Conference on Materials, Mimicking, Manufacturing from and for Bio Application, 27-29 June 2018, Milan, Italy. Flyer.
  • Prof. Pugno in the international advisory board of the "6th International Conference Novel Functional Carbon Nanomaterials" of the 8th Forum on New Materials at CIMTEC 2018, 10-14 June 2018, Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno co-guest editor with Prof. Valentini of the "Focus Collection on Bionic Nanotechnology" on Nanotechnology.
  • Prof. Pugno co-chair with Prof. Nicolosi of the Winter School on structural characterization of graphene-based materials, 5-10 February 2018, Obergurgl, Austria. Flyer. Programme.
  • Prof. Pugno academic visitor to the Department of Materials, University of Oxford, for the period 1 December 2018 - 30 November 2022.
  • Prof. Pugno jury member of the South Tyrol Scientific Award.
  • Prof. Pugno, Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe since 2013, has been invited to join in 2017 the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS).
  • Prof. Pugno invited at the Nano2All - Societal engagement on responsible nanotechnology stakeholder congress (and replaced by PhD Student of the Lab Roberto Guarino), 21 October 2017, Trento, Italy. Website. Flyer.
  • Frontiers - Driving innovation and quality in scholarly publishing seminar, 18 October 2017, Trento, Italy.
  • Prof. Pugno scientific coordinator of the Graphene Composite Innovation Day, 12 October 2017, Trento, Italy. Highlight on the local newspapers L'Adigetto e Trentino.
  • Prof. Pugno appointed as new Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Materials. Press release.
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed in Memex - I luoghi della scienza [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 26 September 2017.
  • PhD Student of the Lab Gabriele Greco interviewed in Memex Doc - L'uomo dei ragni [in Italian], Rai Scuola, 17 September 2017. Video.
  • Prof. Pugno interviewed on UniTrentoMag [in Italian], 14 September 2017.
  • Spider silk turns bionic through nanomaterials highlighted on Phys.org, The Sydney Morning Herald, CBC Radio, Graphene Flagship News, ScienceDaily, Science Newsline, Mail Online, Futurism, ZDNet, cemag.us, GIZMODO, NEW ATLAS, scimex, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. In Italian: La Repubblica (pdf), il Dolomiti. In Spanish: Computer Hoy. In Danish: illvid.dk. See related paper.
  • Highlight on the Lab research activities [in Italian], 1 August 2017. Article.
  • Congratulations to Stefano Signetti for having successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Computational models for impact mechanics and related protective materials and structures", 29 June 2017, Trento, Italy. Video.
  • Prof. Pugno particpant in the Frontiers Chief Editor Summit 2017, 16-18 June 2017, Champéry, Switzerland. Program.
  • Prof. Pugno comments a research work on octopus-inspired adhesives, 14 June 2017.
  • Fermented graphene composite foams featured on nanowerk. See related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno awarded with the "2017 Griffith Medal & Prize", highlighted on QMUL press release [1], QMUL press release [2], @ERC_Research. In Italian: UniTrentoMag, il Dolomiti, scienzadellecostruzioni-segreteria.it, ASI. See related Wikipedia page.
    Invited at the IOM3 Premier Awards Dinner, 11 July 2017, London, UK. Picture 1. Picture 2. Picture 3. Picture 4. Picture 5.
  • PhD Student of the Lab Stefano Signetti contributes to the study of the nanomechanics of individual aerographite tetrapods. In Italian: UniTN, UniTN press release, ANSA, il Dolomiti, La Voce del Trentino, MeteoWeb, L'Adige, askanews.it, Buongiorno Südtirol, OcaSapiens (la Repubblica). In English: Research Italy, Phys.org, nanowerk, Uni Kiel press. In German: idw. Picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4. See related paper. Interview on Radio Popolare, 14/04/2017 [in Italian, from min. 23:45].

  • Prof. Pugno interviewed in Biomimetica - Il meccanismo della vita [in Italian], Rai Scuola.
  • Researcher of the Lab Dr. Maria F. Pantano wins the First Prize in the "2016 Zwick Science Award Competition" for her contribution to the design of MEMS for the tensile testing of nanomaterials. Picture 1. Picture 2.
  • Conductive graphene-based inks highlighted on Materials World magazine. See related paper.
  • H2020 FET Proactive project NEUROFIBRES "Biofunctionalised Electroconducting Microfibres for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury" (2017-2020) just started. In Spanish: infomédula. In Italian: UniTN press release, Trentino, Corriere del Trentino, il Dolomiti, Galileo, Il Foglietto. Prof. Pugno interview on Radio 24, 04/04/2017 [in Italian].
  • ERC Starting Grant project BIHSNAM "Bio-Inspired Hierarchical Super Nanomaterials" (2012-2016) just concluded, with 141 papers published in international journals and cited 2239 times, with an average Impact Factor of 4.345 and a cumulative Impact Factor of 612.599, see details. Open source codes available by contacting nicola.pugno@unitn.it: fracture (hierarchical fibre bundle model, hierarchical lattice spring model), friction (spring-block model), adhesion (multpile peeling code), impact (multilayer impact code). We thank again ERC for having provided the "Equipment to Run the Competition". Highlight on TuttoScienze (La Stampa) [in Italian].
  • Prof. Pugno co-organizer of the mini-symposium "Mechanics of extreme materials: graphene-related, composite, meta- and biological/bioinspired materials" at the XXIII Conference - The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 4-7 September 2017, Salerno, Italy. Program.
  • The GBDT (Graphene-Based Thermal Detector) project featured on the TIFPA Activity Report 2015-16.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Federico Bosia for the "2016 Most Prolific Author Award" at the Solid State Physics Group of the University of Turin, Italy. Picture. Short interview on ERC participation [in Italian].
  • Rosita and its friends have joined the Lab: One hundred and one spiders.

    Grammostola rosea is a beautiful 16-year-old spider, the first of the one hundred and one spiders of the Rosita's group. [Responsible: G. Greco]
  • Rudolph's antlers inspire next generation of unbreakable materials on Fox News, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert!, siliconrepublic. In Italian: Corriere della Sera, Sky TG24, MeteoWeb. See related paper.
  • Prof. Pugno mentioned as winner of a Horizon 2020 Proof of Concept. In Italian: L'Adigetto.it, 22 December 2016.
  • Prof. Pugno jury member of the South Tyrol Scientific Award, 15 December 2016.
  • La Crisis de la Razón by Pablo Domínguez Prieto [in Spanish], discussion as last lesson of the Solid Mechanics course, 14 December 2016, University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
  • Interview for the UnitrentoMag Metamateriali: potranno aiutarci a difenderci dai terremoti? [in Italian], 10 November 2016.
  • The Lab research activities on spider silks and webs mentioned on Sette (Corriere della Sera) [in Italian], 4 November 2016.
  • Graphene helps silicone rubber composites heal on Materials Today. See related paper.
  • Large scale mechanical metamaterials as seismic shields highlighted on IOP, JPhys+, Phys.org, EurekAlert!, ScienceDaily, E&T, Physics World, The Engineer, Geology Page. In Italian: LSWN, Origami (La Stampa), UniTrentoMag. In Portoguese: INOVAÇÃO tecnólogica. See related paper.
  • Spider web-inspired acoustic metamaterials highlighted on Phys.org, SCIENCENEWS Journal, FCC Public, SONIC-SHIELD. In German: pressetext. In French: Futura Sciences. In Chinese: cailiaoniu.com. In Turkish: Kymia Haberleri. See related paper.
  • E-letter on Science Advances: Evidence of self-inconsistent sections in "Toughness of carbon nanotubes conforms to classic fracture mechanics".
  • International Workshop Advances in mechanical metamaterials, 10-11 October 2016, University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Programme. Book of abstracts.
  • The Laboratory of Bio-Inspired & Graphene Nanomechanics at Vivi Park, 24-25 September 2016, Trento, Italy. Flyer [in Italian].
  • Falling Walls Lab Naples, 20 September 2016, Napoli, Italy. Flyer.
  • 4th International Conference on Nanomechanics and Composites, 14-17 September 2016, Vicenza, Italy.
  • Secondo Natura. Prof. Pugno mentioned on La Repubblica [in Italian], 10 Semptember 2016.
  • Prof. Pugno organizer of the mini-symposium "Computational bio and bio-inspired mechanics from nano to micro" at The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 24-29 July 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  • PhD Student of the Lab David Novel wins the Poster Award at the Graphene Conference 2016 with his research on graphene reinforced nanofibres. Highlight on UniTrentoMag [in italian].
  • Graphene Conference 2016, 19-22 April 2016, Genova, Italy. Programme.

  • The special issue of Frontiers in Materials New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials has been released, 14 December 2015.
  • L'affascinante mondo dei materiali bio-inspirati. The Laboratory of Bio-Inspired and Graphene Nanomechanics highlighted on Le Scienze [In Italian].
  • Prof. Pugno in the Organizing Commettee of the 4th International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites, 14-17 September 2016, Genova, Italy.
  • ERC Grants at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento.
  • Spiders Ingest Nanotubes, Then Weave Silk Reinforced with Carbon on "Best of 2015" of MIT Technology Review.
  • Tecnologia Made in Italy Prof. Pugno interview on Radio Made in Italy.
  • Bionic spider webs and other super-materials on the European Commission Newspaper [see pag. 42].
  • Interview to Prof. Pugno featured in Beyond carbon fiber: What will be the fibers of choice for future composites?.
  • Prof. Pugno in the Organizing Commettee of Graphene 2016, 19-22 April 2016, Genova, Italy.
  • Call for abstracts: Computational Bio and Bio-inspired Mechanics from Nano to Micro at the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. 24-29 July 2016, Seoul (Korea). Deadline for abstract submission: 30 November 2015.
  • Prof. Pugno winner of the third ERC Proof of Concept.
  • The project Rubber-based soles for winter sports with enhanced grip through FEM optimized fibre orientation (authors: Martino Colonna, Nicola Pugno, Stefano Signetti) wins the Vibram® special prize at Milano Montagna Vibram® Factory 2015. Press release [in italian]. Highlighted by Wired.it, Skialper, Vibram. Picture of the award ceremony.
  • The Laboratory of Bio-Inspired & Graphene Nanomechanics at the Researchers' Night 2015, 25 September 2015, Trento (Italy). Programme.
  • Mega Engineering: Damming the Atlantic on The New Scientist. See the related chapter about the Mediterranean Sea Terrace Proposal.
  • Prof. Pugno comment on Bendy kirigami graphene structures on BBC News.
  • ESMC 2015 Focus Issue on Micro and Nano Mechanics and Systems, FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS. Deadline for paper submission: 30 November 2015.
  • Special Issue on Micro-structured bioinspired functional surfaces, BIO-INSPIRED MATERIALS. Deadline for paper submission: 31 October 2015.
  • Prof. Pugno interview on the Artificial Spiderweb at Moebius on Radio 24, 20/06/2015 [in Italian].
  • Prof. Pugno at the ERC celebrations for 5000 funded grants, 16 June 2015, Solvay Library (see the video) and European Parliament (see the video), Bruxelles, Belgium. ERC press release, ERC Newsletter, UniTn press release (in Italian). Highlight in the newspaper Trentino (in Italian).
  • Prof. Pugno interview on theLimpet Teeth at Smart City on Radio 24, 05/06/2015 [in Italian].
  • Predictive modelling-based design and experiments for synthesis and spinning of bioinspired silk fibres. See related paper. Highlight on MIT News, Tech Times, ResearchItaly. In Italian: L'Adige, Trento Today, Meteoweb, Greenreport.it, Controcampus.it, Il Fatto 24 Ore, L'Adigetto. UniTn press release (in Italian).
  • Falling Walls Lab Trento 2015. Prof. Pugno president of the judging committee, 3 July 2015, Trento, Italy. Press release. Highlight on Le Scienze (in Italian). Result of the Italian selection: UniTn press release (in Italian). Nicola Pugno member of the jury at the Falling Walls Lab Final Event in Berlin, November 8 2015.
  • Silk reinforced with graphene or carbon nanotubes spun by spiders. Highlight on Science, New Scientist, MIT Technology Review, Discovery News, Wired, Sky News, NBC News, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, Engadget.com, IB Times, Motherboard, NanotechWeb.org and many others. London newspaper. In Italian: Il Messaggero, Le Scienze, Focus, Corriere Innovazione. Cited by Dailymail.
  • Nicola Pugno member of the jury at the TEAM DESIGN competition of EBEC Trento, 16-17 March 2015, Teatro Sanbàpolis, Trento, Italy. EBEC Website.
  • Prof. Pugno interview at 24 Mattina Radio 24. Talk on "Extreme Science", highlighting on Prof. Pugno's ERC Grants with Dr. Federico Bosia (Department of Physics, University of Torino), 27/03/2015 [in Italian].
  • Skype call with Samantha Cristoforetti from ISS, Trento Science Museum (MUSE), 24 March 2015.
  • Conference: 21th Conference of the International Society for Skiing Safety, 8-13 March 2015, San Vito di Cadore - Cortina D'Ampezzo (Italy).
  • Prof. Pugno interview on new nanomaterials on Radio 24, 07/03/2015 [In Italian].
  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento in the European action plan for graphene, Graphene Flagship press release, FBK/UniTN press release (in Italian). Corriere della Sera, Trentino, L'Adigetto, Il Trentino, Ansa, (in Italian).
  • Discovered the strongest natural material known to men. Focus on Science, The New Scientist, Discovery News, National Geographic, The Science Times and The Independent (2). See also BBC, CNN, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Telegraph, Sky News, IolMobile, etc.
    In Italian: Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica (2), Wired, LSWN, Le Scienze, Focus, TuttoScienze - La Stampa.
    Press release on UniTrentoMAG (in Italian).
    Comment by Prof. Peter Fratzl.
    Focus on TGR Leonardo (20/02/2015) [In Italian, from min. 5.03 to 7.19].
    Satirical cartoon on The Independent and news (19/02/2015) .
    Satirical cartoon on The Telegraph (19/02/2015).
  • New method to evaluate the exfoliation and fragmentation results of 2D materials. See related paper.
  • Nicola Pugno member of the Strategic Vision Committee of the Fond of Fund Venture Capital (FOF VC), of the Fondo Italiano d’Investimento SGR S.p.A..
  • ESMC 2015 - 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Micro and Nanomechanics Symposium, July 6-10 2015, Madrid, Spain. Extended abstract deadline
  • Nicola Pugno member of the new scientific and technical committee of the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
  • Nicola Pugno Academic Editor of PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, from 2014.
  • Nicola Pugno Editorial Board Member in Biological Physics of Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, from 2014.
  • Nicola Pugno member of the jury at the Falling Walls Final Event in Berlin, November 8 2014. The jury will be headed by Professor Carl-Henrik Heldin, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation. Programme - Pictures of the event.
  • First Falling Walls Lab at University of Trento. Press release (in italian). The results of the Italian selection: UniTn Web Magazine, press release and news on the newspapers L'Adigetto and Il Corriere del Trentino (in Italian). Pictures of the event.
  • Assemblea di Ateneo 2014 - L'Università incontra/incontra l'Università, July 16, 2014, Trento (Italy). Video: La ricerca all'Università di Trento (in Italian, min 9:55).
  • 3rd International Summer School on Smart Materials, Structures & Systems, July 21-25, 2014, Trento (Italy).
  • Workshop: New frontiers in multiscale modelling of advanced materials @ ECT* Villazzano, Trento (Italy), June 17-20, 2014. Flyer - Call for Papers: Research Topic on Frontiers in Materials
  • Grafene, la parola magica, Prof. Pugno interview at RAI News 24 (04-04-2014, in Italian).
  • 2014 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit: Symposium on Soft Nanomaterials, April 21-25, 2014, San Francisco, CA (USA). Call for Papers: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH Focus Issue on Soft Nanomaterials.
  • On the definition of life, see comment n. 56.
  • Nicola Pugno Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Materials - Mechanics of Materials, Frontiers & Nature Publishing Group, from 2014.
  • Nicola Pugno Editor-in-Chief of Bio-Inspired Materials, de Gruyter, from 2014.
  • Biomimetica: la natura come modello - Il Giardino di Albert - Prof. Pugno interview at RSI RETE DUE (22-02-2014, in Italian) [up to min. 19.31].

  • Workshop: La ricerca italiana in Europa: una sfida da vincere - Generazione ERC: i giovani e la ricerca di eccellenza in Italia, February 11, 2014, Rome (Italy).
  • Third ERC grant assigned to Prof. Pugno.
  • Second ERC grant assigned to Prof. Pugno.
  • Prof. Pugno discovers The “Egg of Columbus” For Making The World’s Toughest Fibres (see also Astri e particelle in Le Scienze Blog).
  • Congress: CERMODEL2013 Modelling & Simulation Meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology Trento (Italy), July 10-12, 2013.
  • 2nd International Summer School on Smart Materials & Structures. July 22-26, 2013, Trento (Italy).
  • N. M.Pugno, Effetto Loto. LE SCIENZE (2013), n 537, 58-63 (Maggio 2013).
  • Prof. Pugno Invited Member of the Young Academy of Europe. Picture.
  • Characterization of spider silk highlighted in World's strongest spider web. See related paper.
  • The secret of spider web anchorages robustness. UniTN press release (in Italian). Highlited by Italian press agency ANSA and newspaper La Repubblica, L'Adige, and Corriere della Sera. Interviews on italian radios RadioInBlu (19 March 2013), Radio24 (28 March 2013), Radio Padania (17 May 2013)
  • From the lotus to the graphene tunable leaf. UniTN press release (in Italian). Highlited by Italian press agency ANSA and newspapers La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica.
    Radio interview (in Italian) on Radio Monte Carlo (21 January 2013). TV interview on Rai, SpaceLab Rai News (30 January 2013), RAI UnoMattina (1 February 2013), SuperQuark (RAI 1), Geo Scienza (RAI 3)
  • Highlight in "Trentino" (in italian, March 19, 2013).
  • Interview in local newspaper "Trentino" (in italian, January 31, 2013).
  • Welcome to Trento in "L'Adige" (in italian, January 31, 2013).
  • Advances in Bio-inspired Materials, a special issue of Materials, Special Guest Editor Prof. Nicola Pugno.
  • Press releases in 2012 by ANSA about the Prof. Pugno research on spiderweb iper-elasticity (1, 2) and super materials.
  • Highlight by ANSA (23 November, 2012), in "Trentino" (21 December, 2012), and Montagna.tv (5 December 2012). The unacknowledged risk of Himalayan avalanches triggering at Winter Universiade Conference 2013, International Interdisciplinary Conference on University Sport: Inspiring Innovation (December, 9-10, 2013, Rovereto (Italy).
  • Interview in "Le Scienze" (in italian, October 2012).
  • Space elevator study highlighted on Nature Research Highlights. See related paper.

  • Frontiers in Materials: Special Issues

    Recent, past and future invited lectures




    • Prof. Pugno talk at the Solvay Library for the celebration of the 5000th ERC Grantee, 17 June 2015, Bruxelles, Belgium.


    Curriculum vitae

    Research topics

    1. Bio-inspired hierarchical super nanomaterials (e.g. self-healing)
    2. Super-strong graphene, nanotubes and related bundles and composites (e.g. flaw tolerant)
    3. Smart adhesion of insects, spiders and geckos and related gecko-inspired nanostructured surfaces (e.g. peeling theories)
    4. Self-cleaning & anti-adhesive super-hydrophobic leaves and related lotus-inspired nanostructured surfaces (e.g. anti-ice)
    5. Spider-silk and web and related spider-inspired super-tough materials and structures (e.g. anti-catastrophes)
    6. Design and fabrication of Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (e.g. nanotubes or graphene based)
    7. Hierarchical fibre bundle -or lattice spring- models, ropes, tissues and cellular solids (e.g. role of hierarchy)
    8. Graphene nanoscrolls and related systems (e.g. nanomotors)
    9. Nanomedicine: tumor cellular growth, nanovector therapeutics, scaffolds for the regenerative medicine (e.g. tumor cell dynamic resonances)
    10. Nanoindentation and related size- and shape-effects (e.g. universal scaling laws on hardness)
    11. Quantized Fracture Mechanics, in quasi-static, dynamic and fatigue regimes (e.g. role of defects in graphene)
    12. Nanoscale Weibull & Fractal Statistics and related size-effects on material strength (e.g. nanotubes statistics)
    13. Multiscale fragmentation under impact and explosions and structural dynamics (e.g. universal scaling laws on energy dissipation)
    14. Nanotribology (e.g. of graphene, biological or hierarchical surfaces)
    15. Bionicomposites (e.g. bionic silk spun by spiders fed with nanomaterials)
    16. Metamaterials (e.g. seismic shielding)

    Adjunct Scientists





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    Solid and Structural Mechanics Group of the University of Trento